About Films With Wings
Films With Wings is an initiative of SMILE and Learning Journey’s Institute (Pravah, India), and Interactive Resource Center, Pakistan. It aims to promote and celebrate a cross cultural exchange of ideas and creative expressions among young people across India and Pakistan through the medium of films.
FWW is a platform for young people who wish to engage in a journey from ‘self to society’ or ‘me to we’. In the process they will embark on an exciting adventure of self discovery, exploring issues that they are passionate about, understanding diverse perspectives and then creating and sharing their thoughts through the film medium. The journey becomes all the more exciting as the travellers are diverse- young people from both India and Pakistan.
Founded on the premise that the language of film is universal and a powerful force in bridging various divides, FWW is an effort which provides a dynamic platform for young minds of both nations to engage, co-create, challenge and capture a variety of experiences and expressions through a series of Intensive dialogues and discussions between youth of both nations, workshops, and film-making, followed by a Film Festival!
‘Films with Wings’ was made possible by Rahul Roy who brought Pravah and IRC together and is supported by CWS- P/ A.
The Components:
· Workshop Phase 1:
This is a phase where youth from both nations would engage in a dialogue to start the journey of understanding their own selves, each other and perspectives of both. There would be 5-6 sessions during which students would be exposed to a series of activities ranging from viewing and discussion of films, writing exercises, ideation, reading, to some simple shooting exercises on a handy cam, while moving from idea to script.
· Workshop Phase 2:
During the second phase, the focus will be on familiarization with camera (PD 170) & finalisation of script, locations, thinking of treatment, and developing a shooting plan.
· Workshop Phase 3:
This would include not just the Shooting but also viewing material shot on each day, discussion and planning for the next day.
· Workshop Phase 4:
This would entail a day of capturing the footage for editing and developing a structure to culminate into editing the final movie.
· Film Festival
A culmination of the entire journey to showcase all the films that have been created by students to appreciate and understand different perspectives, challenge existing thoughts and create a forum for cross-border engagement.
The films made through the workshop alongside the dialogues emerging through the film making process as well as students’ experiences of the same would be exchanged across the border.
These films would be screened on campuses as well and be used to share experiences and create a dialogue on youth aspirations, their perspectives on life, love, democracy, freedom, justice, peace and other themes.
A video conference or shared experience via other means would be created for students in both countries to share their learnings and also construct a further plan of action that would be self directed for example- an exchange program, a joint youth event, an advocacy program for increased interaction among youth across the border with an aim to break prejudices and stereotypes in society in both countries.
Workshop Schedule at a glance*
Saath Milein |
Phase 1, Session 1 | 29-30th Aug 09 |
Phase 1, Session 2 | 5th Sep 09 |
Phase 1, session 3 | 12- 13th Sep 09 |
Phase 1, Session 4 | 19th Sep 09 |
Saath Seekhein |
Phase 2 | 25th -27th Sept |
Saath Banayein |
Phase 3 | 29, 30, 1st Oct |
Saath Karein |
Phase 4 | 2- 6th Oct 09 |
Film Festival | 23- 25th Oct 09 |
*Subject to change
Who Can participate:
Anyone between the ages of 18- 25 years, based in Delhi, with an ability to understand English and/ or Hindi, and a passion and commitment for this programme can apply.
A team of 10 young people will be created through a short listing process which may include any or all of the following- short listing on the basis of the application form, telephonic conversations and personal interviews.
How can you get involved:
Just follow three simple steps:
1. Download the FWW application form from www.younginfluencers.com or www.pravah.org or http://filmswithwings.blogspot.com/
2. Fill it up
3. Send it to Medhavi or Neha in Pravah by :
Email: medhavi.gandhi@pravah.org , neha.buch@pravah.org or
Snail mail: Pravah , C- 24- B II floor, Kalkaji , New Delhi - 19
In case of any queries or clarifications mail us at the above given addresses or call us at 011- 26213918 , 40505743 .
Last date to send in applications: 22nd August 2009
About the Organizers:
1. Interactive Resource Center- IRC - Pakistan
Interactive Resource Center is a non profit organization – striving to build consciousness among marginalized sections of the society in Pakistan regarding their basic rights (social and economic justice, democracy & citizenship rights and gender equality etc). Formed in December 2000, IRC is an initiative to explore new avenues for community mobilization and dialogue in order to assist people in their struggle to regain collective strength.
Interactive Resource Center aims at social development by changing attitudes and behaviours. However, there are certain issues that require legislative reforms, effective policy implementation, changing systems and structures, etc other than behavioural change. Believing in “If the problem is with the fabric there is no point in changing the design” IRC adopted the most effective tool of advocacy through media in order to influence the mainstream. While theatre has provided IRC a strong platform to educate, empower and engage communities to voice their issues and concerns, media is playing the pivotal affecting the policy and decision-making process by influencing the majority to complete the circle of social change. The use of media by IRC has linked micro with macro issues.
IRC now has become a resource centre developing Participatory/ Community Videos, Documentaries, Video Profiles, Talk Shows and much more. IRC is currently making use of sources such as Cable Network, TV channels, Radio, Web-based TVs for dissemination of its messages.
2. Pravah – India (www.pravah.org)
Pravah is a registered non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India. It has been working since 1993, with adolescents, youth, youth organizations and institutions working with young people to impact issues of social justice through youth citizenship action.
Through its active citizenship and youth development interventions, Pravah builds with and in youth:
-respect and understanding of citizenship,
- attitude of ownership for common spaces,
-skill of leadership for social change and
- behaviours to develop strong relationships as the foundation.
Pravah’s main area of work is in design and implementation of programs with youth to enable them to reflect on themselves, the world around them and act in the real world to address personal and social conflicts in different ways. Pravah partners with creative media organisation to use theatre, comics, films and music within every initiative and also use these methodologies to enable greater dialogue among people and for developing youth active citizenship campaigns.
The Facilitation Team:
The Programme is ably led and facilitated by a group of passionate people spanning the borders and organisations. The team includes:
Medhavi , Ashraf , Arjun , Rahul, Anupama , Waseem, Nasir , Aqdas and Neha
We hope to meet you soon!
Best of luck!
With warmest regards
The Films with Wings Team